It is quite often said that the first rule of web design is you do not talk about web design.
If traditional graphic design is 2--"dimensional, Web design is 4 or 5--"dimensional. Web design is a complex process that requires a wide range of creative, business and technical skills. Most web designers worth their salt know the phrase web design is a laughably broad term.
I mention the above not to try and put people off either entering into the Industry or trying to do down those who are already in the industry but more as re statement of facts about the state of web design today.
The problem that has arisen in the last few years is such that it would appear to be very easy to become a web designer. Hey it's cool and it sounds great at parties. It would seem as a result that almost very man and his dog is now into web design. You could take this argument and lay the blame for this fairly and squarely at the doors of the like of Macromedia and Microsoft for making such easy WYSIWYG web design programmes such as Dreamweaver or FrontPage for people to take up and master. But this would be too simplistic and not realistic.
Web design is a complex process that requires a wide range of creative, business and technical skills. Most web designers worth their salt know the phrase web design is a laughably broad term and it requires an ability to see things from as many a side as possible - multi tasking in the extreme.
They say its what's inside page design that really counts and nothing rings truer where web design is concerned. Web design is a complex discipline that involves a wide range of skills. Of course content is king, the purpose of web design is to present it in the best way possible. When was the last time you saw a new book release from the likes of Amazon etc with a lousy cover and so it is with web design? For the millions of web surfers out there, your web design is their first impression of your business and your credibility.
Good web design is a collaborative process. Every new web design is the solution to a design problem that can be summed up in a series of constraint questions: Who is my audience? What is the audience dynamic and more importantly what do I want my audience to do? Do I want them to read, enjoy, think leisurely and then buy my services or do I just want them to hit the chequebook as soon as is possible?
Web design is a constantly evolving dimension of marketing and it is a field that is crowded and competitive. A Kickass Web Design is Search Engine friendly, effective and affordable but remember the goal of Web design is not merely to dazzle, but to deliver information to the widest audience possible.
Lastly one of the most important rules in web design is that your web site should be easy to read. Web Design is not about decoration - it's about how the web works.
Stephen Morgan writes about a number of design based issues such as Custom Graphic Design, Web and Database Design & Marketing, Currently advising freelance with CV360, a West Coast Marketing Firm