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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

heat rash on arms

heat rash on arms. dog heat rash pictures.
  • dog heat rash pictures.

  • darkplanets
    Mar 31, 06:01 PM
    "We have no idea if it will even work on phones."

    Um, so rather than find out, let's just not release it so we never know. That's an awesome decision. Way to take a chance there Google.

    On the same note, I'm not sure if I can run the trail by my house in under 10 minutes, so I'm not even going to try.

    I bet they tried, but it didn't work well. They're just feigning ignorance. As they themselves said, they cut corners. I read this as they didn't optimize the software-- it's probably very processor and RAM intensive. Just speculation though.

    heat rash on arms. on the lower arm
  • on the lower arm

  • gugy
    Aug 6, 01:48 PM
    "The Name Mac Pro is our Trademark, not Apple's"

    good luck for you.
    I would not put up a fight against a giant like Apple.
    Plus, I don't see having a computer named Mac Pro would interfere with your business in a bad way. Actually, I think it would be good thing for you.

    heat rash on arms. heat rash on face treatment.
  • heat rash on face treatment.

  • macpross
    Aug 6, 01:34 PM
    As Apple applied for the trademark, it will not be approved.

    It is up to Apple how they want to proceed. A fight that can't win, no matter how much money they have.

    Mac Pro has been the premier Mac dealer in the same county as Apple since 1988. Out of all the names for this new line of computers, why choose one that they know they cannot have.

    We are already getting countless support calls for the macbook pro. It seems they assume we made them When we can't help them, they seem to get very upset.

    Mac Pro is in a position to file for a court order not to release any computer that bears our name.

    So get ready WWDC, we will be watching.

    Mike Ajlouny

    heat rash on arms. heat rash on hands and feet.
  • heat rash on hands and feet.

  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 23, 12:50 AM
    I initially supported the Iraq invasion. I believed the Bush Administration's case for WMD's - in particular I was swayed by Colin Powell's presentation to the UN. I believed then, as I do now, that Saddam Hussein's government was arbitrary, cruel, corrupt.

    Looking back, it should have been obvious to me that there were a huge number of potential pitfalls - lack of support from Iraqis (and to a lesser extent the international community through the UN) being the most critical. While the initial invasion was predictably successful, the entire issue of post-Saddam Iraq had been poorly thought out - to the extent that it was thought out at all. The result is a tragic disaster of truly epic proportions.

    Still, even with this tragedy fresh in our minds (and indeed ongoing along with the war in Afghanistan), I find it impossible to look at the Libyan situation and say "we should not intervene". There is much I do not like about how the my country behaves on the international stage, but in this affair I feel that non-intervention is unconscionable.

    heat rash on arms. heat rashes. heat rash
  • heat rashes. heat rash

  • hobo.hopkins
    Apr 25, 01:50 PM
    "a perfect storm", "overreaction", "typical for the us to sue.."

    ... sorry, but in what ways do I benefit by having apple track my whereabouts to the day and meter? why isn't there an opt-in (apart from the general 'eat **** or die' TOU) or at least an opt-out for this? why is it so easy to access the data?

    ... apple deserves to get a beating for this.
    they're known for focussing on the user in terms of design and UI of theirdevices... they should also make the step to focus on their users best interest in terms of privacy and freedom, rather than their own greed.

    You're right in asking why there isn't a way to opt-out of the collection or clear your past history more easily. To say that it is an invasion of privacy is just false, however, because the information remains private. Only those with access to your phone or computer can see the information.

    heat rash on arms. of heat rash to remember
  • of heat rash to remember

  • Thor74
    Apr 19, 02:21 PM
    Apple better not win this case and anyone who thinks that they should are a fool.

    I'm doing my fool dance right now...

    We can dance if we want to
    We can leave your friends behind
    'Cause your friends don't dance and if they don't dance
    Well they're no friends of mine
    I say, we can go where we want to
    A place where they will never find
    And we can act like we come from out of this world
    Leave the real one far behind
    And we can dance :D

    heat rash on arms. Heat rash
  • Heat rash

  • OutThere
    Apr 27, 09:13 AM

    There you have it. The birthers aren't satisfied. I knew it.

    The tinfoilhatism in the comments on that link is out of hand.

    heat rash on arms. and heat-rash appearing on
  • and heat-rash appearing on

  • TripHop
    Jun 10, 08:17 PM
    Without any adapters and just the phone this is what Radio Shack says...
    My phone was just replaced by Apple a few weeks ago. I am curious to see if the value drops as each day goes on. I don't want to be without a phone right now but that isn't a bad value being the value of them on eBay right now. Making $30-40 isn't worth the trouble on eBay. I will be trading mine in for sure.

    http://i50.tinypic.com/1z9nbd.jpgThey're using different quote systems in the store. My pristine 16GB 3G with charger came in on the web @ $185.94 while the in store quote is only $141 and dropping daily according to the manager here. So I'm doing the FedEx pre-paid shipping to CEXCHANGE for the higher amount. Might have to wait for the gift card past the 24th but I'd rather get the higher amount. Plus my store manager says he'll hold my reserved iPhone until the gift card comes back if it doesn't arrive back in 2 weeks. :)

    heat rash on arms. A rash on your arms is a
  • A rash on your arms is a

  • dustinsc
    Mar 22, 12:52 PM
    Blackberry playbook = The IPad 2 killer - you heard it here first.

    Look at the specs, their greater or equal to the iPad 2 with the exception of battery life.

    Well, minus the screen size too. Equal to isn't going to cut it against an Apple product. Just look at how the Zune fared.

    heat rash on arms. heat rash on baby. aby heat
  • heat rash on baby. aby heat

  • Ladybug
    Aug 7, 06:28 PM
    If you were picking on Mail.app's Stationery I'd probably agree with you.

    None of the things that Time Machine have been compared to seem even close to what they are planning to do. Including my own VMS file versioning analogies. System Restore is not capable of restoring a single file, and particularly not within a running application. It seems kind of more like a system wide undo function when it comes to files...


    Norton's GoBack, which was purchased from some other company, has a similar feature for restoring single files. This isn't quite the same thing, but the whole concept isn't entirely new. GoBack was introduced well before Microsoft came out with System Restore... That said, I think its a great feature to include and I'm sure I'll find many uses for it.

    heat rash on arms. baby heat rashes
  • baby heat rashes

  • apachie2k
    Sep 19, 06:55 AM
    i wanna a lot of ram in my new 64 bit mbp!! and umm what else....:confused: :eek:

    heat rash on arms. heat rash on baby. aby heat
  • heat rash on baby. aby heat

  • paulvee
    Aug 18, 06:45 PM
    My 3.0's shipping date just changed - for no obvious reason - from 8/20 to 9/19. One month. Clearly, something just got snagged in the supply chain.

    Anyone else have this?

    heat rash on arms. heat rash. heat rash for
  • heat rash. heat rash for

  • Benjy91
    Mar 31, 02:30 PM
    Lol, the fragmentation that "doesnt exist".

    I knew it would bite them in the ass someday.

    heat rash on arms. Leg rash. Heat Rash
  • Leg rash. Heat Rash

  • heisetax
    Aug 5, 11:28 PM
    Are you "meant" to keep it under your desk? Who says? I had my PowerMac on the desk until I sold it (I will be getting a Mac Pro and I hate to put it on my desk if it's meant to go under it!)

    Try your tower below your chair. From there you could point a remote at the correct location. The floor seems like a good place to me. Like you I have mine on my table behind my 30" display. This leaves the computer in an easy to reach place, but it is still out of the way.

    Bill the TaxMan

    heat rash on arms. heat rashes on babies.
  • heat rashes on babies.

  • �algiris
    Apr 6, 03:30 PM
    But hey, haven't you heard, Honeycomb is a real tablet OS. (Whatever the heck that means.)

    Google must have used that line in a PowerPoint somewhere because I see it regurgitated verbatim on every single iPad vs. Honeycomb thread.

    The Google brainwashing continues. ;)

    Real tablet OS, Full internet, True multitasking - the list's expanding fast :D

    heat rash on arms. heat rashes pictures. heat
  • heat rashes pictures. heat

  • qtx43
    Mar 31, 05:11 PM
    That was a hoot changing the search to Bing. Only thing gutsier would be to somehow replace every admob ad to a competitor.

    I wouldn't leave Google completely blameless here. They knew who they were dealing with. They need eyeballs to sell (ad business) so they made their bed. Same reason why the software marketplace on android sucks, they designed it for their bottom line (eyeballs). They aren't making a product for people to use, they're making a channel to deliver a product (eyeballs) to their customers (advertisers).Except Google makes a big deal about how they support open source and aren't evil (presumably other profit seeking corporations are evil). And the open source fanatics lap it up. Take a look over at Groklaw, for example, and it's all a big conspiracy to discredit Google. So, I would change "[not] completely blameless" to "is completely hypocritical", then you'd be right on. I think Free and Open Source is great for many things, and proprietary works too, just don't blow smoke up my butt and tell me it's a rim job.

    heat rash on arms. heat rash on babies.
  • heat rash on babies.

  • bigmc6000
    Jul 14, 03:14 PM
    Why? What are the advantages/disadvantages to having it higher or lower in the case? Does the weight distribution matter?

    Weight is one - ever try picking up something that's top heavy? It's rather awkward to carry/pickup and makes it much more likely to tip. Another reason being the cord would likely be hanging down from said spot - while this seems ok it's really not good for the wires inside - ideally it would only have sweeping curves in the line as opposed to what happens with havinga plug so high. I'm conflicted about the heat issue as there are pro's and con's to both configs so I'll stick with awkward weight distribution as the key limiting factor.

    heat rash on arms. Rashes On Arms. rashes on arms
  • Rashes On Arms. rashes on arms

  • mirko.meschini
    Apr 7, 02:47 AM
    nVidia 320M si about 20W, so they can use 17W processors on 11,6" and 25W processors on 13", with an increased battery life on both models.

    heat rash on arms. heat rash on legs pictures.
  • heat rash on legs pictures.

  • Grokgod
    Jul 28, 05:49 PM
    I certainly agree that the Core duo will be the lastest, latest.

    yet what about it will be so valuable to the user, that has jsut purchased one.
    That he should return her new unit.

    Does it bake cookies, ? no.
    Produce less heat? no , it wont really. and if it does it will be small differences in possible either direction. Cooler or hotter.

    So, I see the only real difference with CPU changes as being limited to a small boost in hertz. Minor at best.

    In the iMac realm there will be little other changes, most are limited to the Macpro area etc.

    And returning it will cost time and effort waiting for the next iMac which may not appear for some time.

    Mar 26, 05:51 AM
    Im guessing its going to be �45 from the app store (same as aperture). And they'll be no boxed version, or the boxed version will be prohibitory expensive to discourage buying the boxed version.

    And i am looking forward to using it as a main OS, i love the better use of the trackpad and removal of visible scroll bars.

    Dec 9, 01:09 AM

    It depends on what you want from a game. If you care more about driving and tuning than painting and whatnot go buy GT5. Its all about driving and not much else.
    I love it because i'm a bit of a car nerd. If you like cars you will like GT5. If you love cars you will love GT5, its just that simple.
    I guess I'll throw in my counterpoint to that then, just to give him another opinion to mull over, because I love cars and don't love GT5....

    The game is not real good. Every time I've played it, I can't help but think of how it could have been SOOO much better, if they just trimmed back on the crazy feature list a bit. The game tries to be everything to everyone who likes cars. But the problem with that is, trying to do many things means you'll never excel at any of them. Often the implementation of things in this game is a little weak or unfulfilling because of that. For example...

    NASCAR is in, but is pretty plain and boring, and doesn't feel like a real cup race. If you like NASCAR, you'd be better served with a full game based on that.

    Same with WRC stuff. Yes, the rally is pretty decent. But, I've played a bunch of REALLY awesome rally games before, and this is nowhere near as good.

    Day and Night cycles, and Weather effects look amazing.... on the very few tracks that you can actually have them function on.

    The sounds of the cars, just as with every GT game that has come before it, is terrible. Very few cars actually sound like their real-world version, and when you tune them up, they get even less distinctive.

    The car list, while huge, is FILLED with cars that I have absolutely no desire to drive in a racing game. I get Kaz's intention, bringing in cars from many eras and different parts of the automotive spectrum to see them, and maybe appreciate them more. But this is a racing game at its core, and I don't ever want to race a VW Kombi.

    And lastly, the menus are just pitiful. It really feels like they designed them first, all those years ago, and then never touched them again. So many games have come and gone with great menu systems, and this game took nothing away from them, because they are just awful in this game.

    This game really had the potential to be amazing. If they got rid of NASCAR, WRC, Karts, etc, and took out about 4-500 of the boring, crappy cars, we'd be getting somewhere. Use the time and effort that those removed things would have occupied to make some manageable menus, more Premium cars, and get the Day-Night cycle and Weather on all tracks. That would have been great. But that isn't what we got.

    Don't get me wrong, it is a good game. But GT games aren't supposed to just be good, they are supposed to be GREAT. But even after a 6 year wait, we only got pretty good.

    But hey, as I've said on many occasions, it does make some DAMN GOOD screenshots. Almost unreal at times...

    Click to HUGE-size





    Aug 25, 09:20 PM
    my dad bought a new 17in MBP and got it a week after it came out-couple days later, the battery would stop working and wouldnt be recognized by the computer-i called apple and by the end of the day i had a box sent to send in the computer-3 days later it was back with a new battery and everything. great service. also i had an airport problem-i brought it into the apple store, they looked at the airport, and in 20 minutes replaced it with a new one for no cost because i had applecare. i feel they have great service next to others, such as dell who i have called before and had a crap load of trouble...

    Aug 26, 04:11 PM
    If the power consumption is the same... does that mean that the Merom and the current chips suck the same amount energy while going full throttle?

    If the above is true, if you turned down the Merom to match the speed of the current chips, wouldn't the Merom be drawing 20% less power?

    In other words if the Merom and the current chip were both going 60 mph down the freeway, would the Merom be drawing less power?

    Am I missing something here (such as the basics of electricity, the basic way that chips work, etc.)?


    Maybe its just efficiency... As days past and R&D continues to evolve, chips will be more efficient and they'll produce more power for less energy..

    Aug 11, 02:55 PM
    I wonder what carrier they'll go with?

    I think the question is more likely to be this...

    What providers will meet Steve's qualifications to offer the Apple phone bundled with their service?

    One of the primary factors may very well be that the provider is not allowed to cripple the phone (as some love to do).

    If there is enough demand for the phone, network providers will have to meet his terms.